Business Engagement Team Leader Charlotte Ward takes on a Leadership and Management Apprenticeship!

Image caption: An image of Heather and Charlotte on a video call together

Charlotte Ward
Business Engagement Team Leader
Apprenticeship in Leadership and Management level 3


‘Apprenticeships don’t have to be for those aged between 16-18’

‘Apprenticeships are a great way to learn new skills whilst in employment. I have had the opportunity to progress in my career whilst still earning a wage, being able to do the course within my working hours, which gives me a good work-life balance.’

‘I can to put what I learn on my apprenticeship into practice within my role as a Team leader at North Warwickshire and South Leicestershire College.’

‘I really wanted to see what it was like to be an apprentice. I wanted to experience a students journey so I could effectively support our employers when they wanted to recruit an apprentice for their business.’

Click here to watch the full video of Charlotte Ward, detailing her experience of learning at work. #LearningatWorkWeek

For more information on how we can support your new or existing employees through an apprenticeship, email be@nwslc.acuk












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