Governance and The Corporation

What are We?

We are a further education corporation which governs North Warwickshire and South Leicestershire College. We also sponsor the Midlands Academy Trust, a group of academies in our local area.

The Corporation was established by the Further and Higher Education Act 1992 and is an exempt charity.

The College is an independent legal entity, and our principal regulator is the Department for Education.

A corporation is a legal term describing a number of people working together as if they were one person. A corporation carries on working, as a succession of new people replaces those who retire or resign. The people making up the corporation are not governors, (as in a school), but are properly referred to as ‘Members’.

The Corporation is supported in its work by a number of committees and on occasion, task & finish groups. We have established the following committees and task & finish groups for 2018/19:
• Audit
• Students, Learning and Quality
• Resource
• People, Strategy and Governance

Click here for the terms of reference for our Committees.

Click here for the Corporation Structure.

What Do We Do?

As a further education corporation, we are concerned with governing our College.

The documents which set out the membership of our Corporation and what we need to do to govern the College are the:

  • Instrument and Articles of Government
  • Standing Orders

The Instrument and Articles of Government set out our six main responsibilities. These are to:

  • Determine the type of education our College delivers and its strategic direction
  • Oversee what the College does
  • Approve the quality strategy
  • Use College resources efficiently and effectively, safeguard College assets and make sure the College remains solvent
  • Approve the annual budget
  • Agree to the terms and conditions of service of the Principal, senior members of staff and the Clerk to the Corporation
    set a framework for the pay and conditions of all other staff

We work in partnership with our Principal, Marion Plant and her Executive Team to carry out these responsibilities.

Advice and Support

The Corporation is advised by a Clerk who is independent of the College’s Executive and Management Teams and who has access to independent, professional advice.